カラーメディシンオラクルカード A 74-カードデッキとガイドブック シルビア・マイスナー
ガイドブックとコンパニオンのOracleカードは、驚くほど美しいデザインでまとめられています 磁気ボックスキットショーケースの作成者の芸術-私たちにあるレインボースター 喜び、愛、光の癒しの光線と宇宙の保護のためのパッケージング。
Introducing a new concept of connecting to the laws of light with colour codes for self –help healing, which explores the body energy Chakra system of mankind!
The deck includes 74 gold-edged oracle cards of beautifully illustrated paintings and a guidebook by Sylvia Meissner. The oracle card deck brings together a simplified package of ancient knowledge, colour therapy through art, positive affirmations and meditation techniques for daily use.
A unique set of eight Chakra geometry maps that have been channelled by the artist tapping into the Sacred Star Light Energy Network to help re-energise, activate and realign the body Chakras for balance. Every card includes a colour bar code system in reference to colours to be used for healing, interacts with daily life situations to provide clarity and insight for answers ,offering wisdom and spiritual guidance. The purpose of the Colour Medicine Oracle Cards is to deliver a concept of ‘light vibrational healing to help advance mankind’s evolution into the golden age’! A creation for the power to help illumine, transform, revolutionise and energise the mind and body of mankind.
Pre-Ordering will help to secure our product before it arrives to stores distribution center . A limited number will be available during Pre-Ordering time frame , the remaining Stock will be available as soon as they arrive have arrived in store .
* Limited Editions